RVTools Analyser

Version 3.7.0
July 2024
Description Download Gallery Support Forum RVTools


RVTools Analyser is designed to import RVTools Excel Files, save this information in a Database and finally
display it in a friendly way. These are the main functions :

  • Global VCenter Display : Number of Clusters, number of ESX, number of VMs (Windows, Linux).
    Information is displayed in a table, each column displaying a complete Cluster.

  • Complete VCenter Inventory : Number of Clusters, number of ESX, number of VMs
    (Windows, Linux) and number of Datastores.
    Information is displayed in "Tree Views", tables and various graphs.
  • Multiple VCenter Inventory (agregation of more than one VCenter).
  • Detailed Asset Inventory classified by Operating System.
  • Display "Operating System End of Support" for Linux, Windows and ESX.
  • End of Support Forecasting on 3, 6, 9 or 12 next months.
  • VCenter Trends : Evolution of the number of Clusters, ESX, Datastores, VMs, vCPU, vRAM and Disks.
  • ESX Summary : You can see in a single window all ESX information.
  • Calculation of Allocated Resources, introducing Personnal Ratios (CPU and RAM) and Custom Failovers.
  • Disaster Recovery Simulations, with one or more VCenters.
  • Storage Views : Total Disk Sizes by Clusters, ESX, VMs and Datastores.
  • Detailled Views for Clusters, ESX, VM and Datastores.
  • Display Disk and Partitions with Threshold Alerting.
  • Display Ports and Switches.

  • Personnal configuration parameters :
    - Thresholds for Filesystem and Logical Units
    - Selection of HTML Viewer, RVTools command line
    - Screen colors, buttons
    - Colors and aspect of Graphs

  • RVTA Database :
    Information contained in RVTools Excel files is read back and saved in a
    Microsoft Access Database.

  • And more ...


Download version 3.7.0 :
Version History

RVTools Analyser Versions :

  Free Version Complete Version
Maximum number of RVTools Excel Files : 2 No Limit
Disaster Recovery Function : No Yes
Support : Yes Yes

You can obtain the Complete Version getting an Activation Code Number.

Disclaimer :
Ymsoft makes no guarantees of any kind with regard to RVTA software. RVTA is supplied "as is".
Ymsoft cannot be held responsible for misinterpreting results obtained from user data.


RVTools Analyser can be installed with the following Windows versions :

Windows Seven Windows 8 Windows 10 Windows 11

 Gallery    Click on a picture to zoom it.

VCenter Global Display :
VCenter Inventory :
End of Support View :
End of Support Forecast View :
VCenter Trends View :
ESX Summary :
Allocated Resources View :
Disaster Recovery Simulation :
Storage View :
Statistics View :
VM View :
ESX View :


You can contact Ymsoft support using this E-Mail address : support@ymsoft.fr

You can also click here to send an E-Mail to Ymsoft Support : Contact Support

 Rvtools Link

Click on this link to open RVTools Web Site : RVTools